The I.V. Ad-Wrap attaches to Conterra's I.V Bag and organises everything you need to start and maintain a line, and/or draw blood.
The Ad-Wrap features separate pockets for blood tubes, mini drip lines, maxi drip lines, catheters, Betadine wipes, alcohol wipes, roller gauze, tourniquets, Veniguards, and bandaids.
Once a line has been started, the Ad-Wrap can be torn away from the I.V. bag (Velcro) and and hung or packaged with the patient. The Ad-Wrap can also be rolled up and used alone.
All pockets open inward and have elastic keepers above them for security. The Ad-Wrap is fully machine washable.
Please note: If you wish to have the kit stocked with IV equipment - please contact us before ordering.